The top rate on capital gains and dividends will be capped at 15 percent and the estate tax is a bonanza?the exemption limit rises to $5 million per person (it was set to decrease to $1 million as of January 1) and the tax rate will .... The rich you say are benefiting the fruits of their labor, why shouldn't they, theres so many loop holes for them it isn't funny. Some are paying less taxes than some of us making under 50000 a year and why, because theres to many rich ...
A. J. bLopp/b | January 17, 2009 12:27 PM Reply to this comment. That's a good question... I'll have to look into that. I think maybe we should have a Bilerico poll (or pole, as it were) to see if it is halfway worthwhile or not. I know those kind of posts always get good traffic. LOL. Glad to be back to the craziness, AJ. :) ... Another bvacation/b? Geez! I have to either get married or go in the hospital to get a break! LOL. ...
On the other hand, the current model (where I do all the work) is not really working as in, it does not scale, and already I have people to help me out, not just for bundles but e.g. while I am on bvacation/b I have other people handle ...